Actualizaciones y noticias

XII Congreso FADE – Transforma tu generación

Del 25 al 28 de febrero de 2016 Nuestra Federación de Asambleas de Dios de España celebraron su XII Congreso FADE bajo el lema “Transforma tu generación”. Con 1900 participantes de todas nuestras iglesias de España y Europa, más de 700 jóvenes y más de 160 niños. Unas 4.000 personas […]

2016 PEF Leadership Conference

About 150 Pentecostal leaders from 30 countries in Europe gathered in Zagreb, Croatia, on the occasion of PEF’s Annual Conference held on March 2-4, 2016 at the Panorama Hotel.  The conference theme was “Church Planting in Today’s Europe”, addressing the urgent need of church planting in light of the spiritual […]

1st National Missionary Conference ADI

For some years the Assemblies of God of Italy are engaged in foreign missions with their own workers on the filed and we think that the time has come to organize the first National Missionary Conference. During the meeting we will explore the theme of missions, we will meet around the […]

Refugees in Greece

«Many shall run to and fro…» Daniel 12: 4. «Behold, the Lord will empty the earth… and scatter its inhabitants… the world languishes and withers; the highest people of the earth languish… for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant…» Isaiah 24:1–5. Thousands of refugees […]

Primera promoción de estudiantes graduados

La Facultad de Teología de las Asambleas de Dios de España, celebra el próximo sábado 6 de junio la Primera promoción de estudiantes graduados con reconocimiento civil de su titulación. Es una bendición que El Ministerio de Educación en nuestro país reconozca las titulaciones de nuestro seminario como una titulación […]

27 to 28 May: Meeting SEAGF in Turin

Wednesday 27 and Thursday, May 28, 2015, representatives of the SEAG Fellowship will meet in Turin, at the church of the Assemblies of God in Italy in Via Spalato.

Coming events from Albania

We will celebrate the 12th Annual Graduation Ceremony of Evangelical Theological College and Ordination Service of the General Council on May 23. We rejoice to launch and commission more workers for God’s harvest field.

III Congreso Ministerio Infantil FADE

Como sabéis ya llevamos dos años realizándolo y ha sido de bendición para aquellos hermanos de vuestras iglesias que nos acompañaron. En este último congreso nacional del mes de febrero se nos compartió una plenaria donde se nos hablo de “las nuevas generaciones ” esos niños-as y adolescentes que tenemos […]

XI Congress FADE – Essence

Our Federation Assemblies of God of Spain just celebrated its eleventh FADE “Essencia” Congress. Guest speakers were present Claren and Nancy US Macqueen brothers, Pr. Pedro Ibarra from Argentina and Pr. Jerry Brown

Recent events from Albania

On February 11, Gezim Spahija, Kurt Plagenhoef and Nuccio Siragusa shared in a Balkans Missions Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many pastors and missions directors were touched with the vision and passion of God to reach the Balkans with the gospel, a place where over 99% of the people […]