
XI Congresso FADE – Essence

La nostra Federazione delle Assemblee di Dio in Spagna ha festeggiato il suo undicesimo Congresso ESSENCIA FADE. Gli oratori ospiti sono stati Claren e Nancy US Macqueen, Pedro Ibarra dall’Argentina e Jerry Brown che hanno istruito i fratelli sull’Essenza della Parola di Dio.

Recent events from Albania

On February 11, Gezim Spahija, Kurt Plagenhoef and Nuccio Siragusa shared in a Balkans Missions Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many pastors and missions directors were touched with the vision and passion of God to reach the Balkans with the gospel, a place where over 99% of the people […]

XI Congresso FADE: “Essence”

Dear brothers, On 26 February to 1 March 2015 will celebrate our XI Congress FADE “Essence“. We invite you to participate in our convention of our Assemblies of God Spain.

Dopo il X Congresso FADE

51 Year History of the Assemblies of God of Spain, a blessing for the family of FADE. Thank the Lord we were able to celebrate our X FADE Congress, under the slogan “You Give Them Something to Eat.”

X Congresso FADE (Spagna)

It will take place during 27 February to 2 March in Gandia, under the motto: “Give you them to eat” (Mathew 14:16). This year we launched the initiative to combine the regular meeting of Youth Leaders with our FADE annual Congress. The objectives to be pursued are: 1) Bringing the […]

Centenario della Assemblies of God, Stati Uniti

AG CENTENNIAL, WORLD AG CONGRESS & GLOBAL CHURCH PLANTING SUMMIT AUGUST 5-10, 2014 | SPRINGFIELD, MO The upcoming World Assemblies of God Congress will be held August 5-10, 2014, in Springfield, Missouri, USA, in conjunction with the USA 100 Centennial Celebration. Online registration is now available at World AG Congress. Brother Juan […]

Assemblea generale della AD del Portogallo

Nei giorni 23-25 Ottobre 2012, il fr.Vincenzo Specchi e il fr. Guerino Perugini, hanno partecipato alla Assemblea Generale delle Assemblee di Dio del Portogallo. La sede che ha ospitato l’evento è stata l’Istituto Biblico appartenente alle ADP, “Monte Esperanza” nei pressi di Lisbona. L’accoglienza è stata calorosa e davvero fraterna, […]

Nasce la SEAGF

In November 18, 2011 , in the building of the AG Church of Isola Capo Rizzuto (Italy), the delegations of representatives of the Assemblies of God of Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece met experience moments of fellowship in order to discuss the opportunity to collaborate in the development of our […]